Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Hello. Today, my Mom is running a marathon. Actually, she should be done by now. I haven't even had breakfast yet. I'm very proud of her. This is her second marathon. She ran one last year too at the same time and place. I think this is amazing. Just running a marathon is amazing, but then running two... It's even more impressive when you realize that my Mom didn't start training or running marathons until she was over 50. This is usually one of the first things that I tell people about her, because it's interesting and because I'm so proud. It takes a lot of dedication to train for a marathon at any age, but imagine not startuing until after 50! When I hit 50, I don't plan on running marathons, that's for sure (although, really, I don't have another plan... I've never thought that far ahead).

Anyway, my selfish talk aside, Mom, congratulations, I'm so proud of you!


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