Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Sunday, May 29, 2005


I was talking to my Mom the other night, to wish her luck with her marathon, and she was telling me about my herb garden. Last year, for the first time in over 10 years, I planted a garden in the backyard. It did very well, and it was my pride and joy, even though it was little. My herbs did very well, and I've been cooking with them and making them into tea ever since. Anyway, this summer I'm living in an apartment, obviously, so I don't have a garden. The tease part is that many of my plants came back and are apparently doing OK without my stewardship. Hearing about my beloved plants made me want to run home and start weeding and spending time with them and replacing the ones that didn't come back. It has occurred to me that it will be over a year before I have a garden again. That's a sad thought. Garden, I miss you.

On the upside, I see the pheasant all the time now. He's always out there. The downside to these sightings is that pheasants are actually kind of loud, and their call is quite a grating sound. They are still fun to look, at though. The male looks like he would be very satisfying to hug.


At May 29, 2005 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice to see that you are talking out loud again.NOw, if only you could look at the people you are talking to the chances of you sliding into insanity you drop sharply

At May 29, 2005 8:15 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

It's true, I do need more face to face time with people. The only face to face conversations I've had in the past many days were in the grocery store when I paid for my groceries and on the way home yesterday when I said "Hi" to two people I passed on the street. I've been talking to my plants, but that seems like something that makes me more crazy instead of less. It's also not so much a face to face conversation as a face to leaf conversation, which isn't the same.


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