Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Friday, March 11, 2005

I need an animator

This is how I've been feeling lately. I feel like I should be in Waking Life, because I've been thinking in images. My thoughts have been so vivid that I feel like they've been manifesting themselves as pictures around my head as I speak. My life would be a lot simpler if they were. Seriously, I can feel my thoughts jumping out of my head and making these pictures around me. It's a strange strange feeling. So far, no one else has reported seeing these pictures, though, so I'll have to keep working on it. This is why I need an animator.

Here is my favourite metaphor that I've come up with lately: Ideas are like horses. At first they are wild and powerful, and they are fun to run with, but eventually you need to break them and harness their power to drive your essay/thesis. "Breaking" the ideahorses is such an appropriate term, too, because they lose some of their own power as they bow to yours. They aren't quite so beautiful once you've tamed them, but they are infinitely more useful. Once broken, they are also ready to be displayed.

Here is another Buttercup Festival strip that makes me chuckle out loud.

That's all I have for now. Things are quiet on the Heidi front.


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