Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I'm being haunted...

by the movie Garden State. It will not get out of my head. I suppose the fact that I've been listening to the soundtrack pretty much non-stop doesn't help either. I've lent my copy of the movie to Ashley, and even though it's just been out of my hands for two nights, already I miss it. I haven't felt this way about a movie since...hmmmmm... I don't even remember. It's been a while. I'm burning the soundtrack on CD right now. Well, that soundtrack and part of the In Good Company soundtrack. It's going to be the kick-assest CD ever.

What else is new? Today's fruit is pineapple. I bought myself one as a treat and cut it up after supper. As I was cutting it, I also cut two of my fingers and bled a lot, which wasn't as good (on my left hand too... errrggg).

I think one day when I have time I'm going to write a screenplay for Havelok, the Medieval romance we just read for today's class. I was imagining it in my head, and with some minor editorial changes, I think it could be great. Perhaps one day it will make me famous.

People have been saying a lot of nice things to me lately. I seem to be on some sort of streak. I hope that it continues. Feel free to keep the trend going in the comments section. My favourite adjectives right now are: whimsical, beautiful, stunning, creative, sexy, clever and unique. Bonus points to anyone who uses all of these compliments in one post.

I think that's all I have for tonight. Don't forget to comment!!!


At February 10, 2005 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A comment using the words whimsical, beautiful, stunning, creative, sexy, clever and unique is just too easy. The only way to top it is to use a word that has not yet been invented....which I shall now do. You are very abwidrito! (I feel should be pronounce with a spanish accent) It loosly means all the best women is disney movies rolled into one.



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