Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Time

Christmas Tree with presents
Originally uploaded by likeamemoryitfalls.

Happy Boxing Day everyone! I hope that you are all having a pleasant holiday season. My tale of holiday joy starts a week or two before Christmas. It all began with my Christmas bonus from work, which was a good thing. It was quite a big larger than I was expecting. Then there was my work Christmas party, where Zenon and I dressed up and looked all sexy, and where I won $1000. Then I won $20. My week was going pretty well. Then I found out that my schedule over Christmas had me off for 5 days, working for 2 days, and then off for 4 days. Then I got my safety incentive bonus at work, which was a $300 Walmart gift certificate. Zenon has already decided how we are spending it. Christmas time is a good time at my job. I also got a watch and some chocolates from work.

Christmas here has been quiet but nice. Zenon and I were both spoiled by our families. I'm wearing a new sweater right now. Christmas Day was a quiet day. We went out to Church in the morning, and then drove around town looking for a payphone, since Zenon wanted to get a hold of John and neither of us had brought our phones to church. We discovered that this town has no pay phones. The guy in the hotel where we eventually asked to use the phone said that it was because there were too many drug deals happening on the pay phones, so most places just got rid of them. There were too many sketchy people hanging around them. This is a unique place that we live in.

Once we got a hold of John, we went for coffee and I finally met the infamous Muffin Ladies. They were nice, and I was almost able to forget that Muffin Lady 2 tried to break me and Zenon up. The rest of Christmas Day was spent napping and watching movies and things in our pjs (or at least, I was in my pjs - my very cute new pjs with the frogs on them). Today I think we are making a fancy dinner.

Anyway, I wanted to keep this brief. There are more Christmas pictures on Flickr, if you're interested. Now I am off to have some breakfast in the form of Quaker Oat Squares.


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