Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Originally uploaded by likeamemoryitfalls.

This photo is one that Zenon took while he was home this summer. I think that mood of it matches how I feel today. I find myself in a rare mood - calm and happy. It may be due to the fact that I spent my morning in bed reading a book, and my afternoon so far in the tub reading another book. And even though my work phone rang at the worst times (once when the hero was facing the final challenge, fighting his very own instincts that wanted him to turn back, struggling to deliver his magic-infused bundle and break the spell, while his comrades fought off attacking goblins below, neither knowing if the other still survived...)(and then again while I was in the tub), knowing that I am actively job hunting again and soon will have a job where the only phone calls I get after hours will be from people that I want to talk to has helped to me to keep my cool. Imagine - a weekend not punctuated by the ringing of a work phone, a weekend totally separate from the work week... It will be beautiful. Eventually. Once I find another job.

Zenon and I have decided to stay here for another year to help his business grow. I try not to think about this decision too often, as my daydreams of home, and indeed of any place civilized haunt me when I'm not paying attention. I am trying to remind myself that a new job will make the whole world, even Fort McMurray, look better.

The computer desk that Zenon was building is now complete. I will post a picture soon. Also, the crocheting continues, and is still the funnest thing I've learned to do since... well, I don't know. The other night I even talked Zenon into reading to me while I crocheted (the only thing about crocheting is that you can't read and crochet at the same time). It was even better than I imagined. I am really going to have to start investing in some books on tape. Imagine - being able to "read" while crocheting, knitting, even exercising if I wanted to (if I ever exercised...). Oh the joys!

Anyway, I guess that I didn't really have too much to say today. I just wanted to take advantage of a rare calm spell to post. Thanks for sharing it with me!


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