Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Hello. I figured out how to make our new camera take smaller pictures. Here are some pictures of our apartment, some that I just took today, and some that I took a while ago with the old camera.

This is our dining room, which is never used for eating. We use it more like a study. This is where I do my letter-writing and bill organizing, and Zenon has started using it as a place to do his business paperwork.

Here is half of our living room. I just took this picuture 10 minutes ago.

Here is the other half of our living room. In the foreground you can see our ergonomic chair, also known as the "knee-bum chair" because of how you sit on it.

This is our kitchen.

This my bathroom - the ensuite.

This is the view from our balcony back in May.

In other, non-photographic news, Zenon became an uncle this morning! He has an as yet unnamed nephew. Mother and son are doing well. Yay!

Also, it is one week from today that I fly home! Double yay! I picked a good time to go home, too, since my Dad is having major surgery while I am there. This is not something to yay about. But, I will be there, and that is yay worthy. Yay! Yay home!

I am having a pleasant day so far. Zenon, John and I went out for breakfast before those two went to work. Now I am having a quiet afternoon catching up on chores and drinking organic green tea, the taste of which reminds me of Wolfville. Last year's summer there was so wonderful - falling in love with Zenon, walks with Ashley, tea parties at Andrea's, spending each day reading in the sunshine... Wow I miss that lifestyle. The taste of green tea brings it all back.

I am also missing Brad today. He took off to Calgary (as usual), and there were many garage sales afoot this morning. Alas, I had no vehicle and no companion to explore them with. Oh well. It leaves me with more time for tea.


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