Chronicles of Acadia

A blog that never gets updated... Oooh, exciting!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Long pause

Hello everyone. I am sorry that I haven't posted in almost a month again. I am just finding that I don't have much to say these days. I will recap the highlights of February for you: February 18 I used the spa gift certificate that Zenon got me for Christmas. I got a massage, facial and pedicure done. It was heavenly. The weekend was made even better by the fact that Alberta celebrated Family Day on the 20th, so I had that day off too. Yay long weekends! Even Zenon had a 3 day weekend that week, so we got to spend lots of time together.

That's about all the news for February. Work continues to be stressful for me, but I'm finding myself better able to cope ever since I had that massage. My benefits at work have kicked in now, so I've got to get myself to the dentist etc. Zenon and I now have high speed internet, which is good. We were without for a month, and it was bad.

I finally saw the first Lord of the Rings movie in its entirety, and while sober. Wow does it make the other 2 movies make more sense.

I'm sorry that I don't have anything of substance to say. I don't really do much. I work, and then on weekends I watch TV and play Final Fantasy X. Besides the working, it's really an ideal lifestyle.

I promise to make my next post more interesting. For now, this makes me laugh a great deal.


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